Disrupting Industries with New Age Technology: Generative AI

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Generative AI

AI generation refers to the process of using machine learning algorithms to generate new, unique content or data that is similar to existing data. This can include anything from images and videos to written text and even all fundamental computer programs.

One common kind of generative AI is called Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs. GANs work by training two neural networks against each other, one generates the content, while the other tries to distinguish it from real, human-generated content. Over time, the generator network becomes better and better at producing realistic-looking content, while the discriminator network becomes better at distinguishing between the real and generated content.

Another type of AI generation is called "natural language processing" or NLP. NLP models are designed to understand and generate human-like language and can be used for things like language translation, chatbots, and even generating written content like news articles and product descriptions.

Generative AI is an exciting field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and consume content. However, it's important to note that there are also potential ethical concerns around AI-generated content, such as the risk of spreading fake news or perpetuating harmful stereotypes. As with any new technology, it's important to approach AI generation with caution and a critical eye.

Generative AI Capabilities

One of the most impressive capabilities that generative AI possesses is the ability to generate realistic images that are indistinguishable from human-created content.

For example, a generative AI model could be trained to generate stunningly realistic landscapes, animals, or even human faces that are virtually impossible to distinguish from the real thing. Exploring it further in the gaming industry, the creators have enhanced their skillset by making exceptional animes.

Text generation is another area where generative AI has made significant strides in recent years, with models that can generate everything from product descriptions to news articles with startling accuracy.

And it's not just about generating content that already exists. Generative AI can also be used to generate new content that is entirely original, such as new musical compositions or 3D models. This opens up a whole world of possibilities for creative expression and innovation.

Technologies that Drive Generative AI

The technology behind generative AI is complex and constantly evolving, as researchers and developers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. Generative AI is made possible by a variety of advanced technologies, including machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and deep learning frameworks that allow computers to learn from vast amounts of data and then generate new content. At the heart of generative AI is the concept of a generative model, which is a type of machine learning algorithm that learns to generate new data that is similar to existing data. Generative models use neural networks, which are computer algorithms loosely based on the structure of the human brain.

To create generative AI models, data scientists use deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, which provide a powerful and flexible platform for building and training complex models. These frameworks allow data scientists to easily build and train neural networks, and to experiment with different architectures and training techniques to optimize the performance of the model.

How PixelBin Uses AI to Generate Custom Backgrounds?

Reduce your effort time expenditure to 0s with PixelBin AI background generator. It is AI-backed to generate shoot-worthy scenes for all your eCommerce products. All you need to do is enter a prompt.

The tool works on stable diffusion technology, allowing for a high degree of control over background generation, as parameters such as focus area, negative prompt, and seed values can be adjusted to achieve specific effects.

Stable diffusion technology is particularly useful for creating backgrounds for various common applications, such as desktop wallpapers, mobile phone backgrounds, and website backgrounds. Whereas we at PixelBin, have created the tool specifically to drive better efficiency in digital commerce, where you can generate aesthetic backgrounds for your product images. For example, if you’re looking to add an artistic touch to your handbag's image, you can use our generative AI feature for the same. With just a few simple steps, you can transform your plain background into a stunning work of art that perfectly complements your handbag's design. Here's a sample prompt-based background creation using PixelBin's AI Background Generator.

Background prompt: A sophisticated art gallery, with bold colours and intriguing shapes adorning the walls, providing a unique and modern backdrop for my fashionable handbag

Black Womens handbag with white background
Original Image

Handbag with single colour background
Product Focussed Image

Handbag placed on the table
Background Focussed Image

Hence, PixelBin-powered “Generative Background Creator” leverages you with

  • Faster results
  • Better efficiency
  • Quick time to market
  • Automated workflows
  • Bulk Processing

How PixelBin’s AI Background Generator Works?

Action 1: Choosing the right image is the most important step to moving forward with a perfect background generation. Once you have selected the image, upload the same using the PixelBin dashboard. You can upload all kinds of image formats like JPG, JPEG, WEBP, or PNG using the file upload or drag-and-drop option, and start transforming your way towards creativity.

Action 2: 3 major parameters would require your input value after you are ready with the uploaded image.

  • Background Prompt: Here, you are required to input the details on how you would like to have your background generated. You need to be as detailed and explanatory as possible to make the model understand your requirements better. The more detailed your prompt is, the more precise and reliable the generated output will be.
    Prompt Example: A scenic road that winds its way through an aesthetic cityscape in the background.

  • Focus: Take your images to the next level using the advanced focus parameters that ensure a customized image background highlighting the USP of your product. With the ability to control the emphasis placed on your product and background, you can generate a perfectly tailored and eye-catching background that meets all your image requirements. Here we have 2 options to select from:

1. Product Focused: Want eCommerce products to be the star of your catalogues? You can select the product focus option to generate backgrounds that are subtle and less detailed but allow your product to shine more classically as shown in the example below. It offers quality results that can vary using alternative seed values to select the best-generated output.

Product focussed image of a car.

2. Background Focused: Impress your audience with realistic backgrounds that showcase your product in a more dynamic way using a dedicated background focussed option. It brings in more details about a specific object in the image along with generating an equivalent background according to the prompt given. Watch your product come to life against a stunning backdrop with PixelBin and transform your product images in the best creative way possible.

A white coloured bmw car.

  • Negative Prompt: Here, you can be specific about the things you would not like to have in your image background. The tool would read through this prompt and generate images that ‘do not’ contain these values/inputs.

  • Seed: This is an integer value that you can select from a range of 1 to 1000. It caches the generated background image for a particular seed value and provides you with a unique image for every integer value. Here, you can experiment with different values to obtain the desired output. However, one particular seed value would generate a fixed image that won’t change until the prompt is changed.

Action 3: You can create a preset to apply transformations to multiple images. In addition to generating awesome backgrounds for your product images, PixelBin allows you to improve image quality using AI-powered upscale options. Therefore, you can create a preset that combines both transformations (AI background generation and upscale) under a single preset to automate your workflow whenever you need to generate the same background for different images. Besides upscaling, you can also add other preferred transformations to your preset, such as Watermark Remover, Intelligent Crop, and many others, to simplify the image transformation process.

Best Exercises to Use PixelBin’s AI Background Generator

Seeking the best exercises to make the most of PixelBin's AI Background Generator? Here are our top recommendations that will help you master the tool and create stunning backgrounds for your images.

  • Use appropriate background prompts
  • The more you provide prompt details the better the output will be
  • To generate HD image results select background focused option
  • Create a preset to quicken your workflow

Applications of Generative AI in Industries

Generative AI is a rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence that has shown great promise in a wide range of applications. By training machine learning models on vast amounts of data, generative AI can be used to create realistic outputs such as images, visuals, music, and text. This technology has many potential applications, including in fields such as gaming, design, marketing, and healthcare. Here are a few generative AI applications in diverse industries:

1. Image Background Generation for eCommerce

Image background generation proves to be a disruptive tool for eCommerce businesses looking for product visual improvements at a minimal cost. By using AI-powered algorithms, these tools can automatically remove backgrounds from product images and replace them with custom backgrounds, helping to create a more cohesive and professional look across a product catalogue. This makes products look more appealing to customers and can improve search engine optimization by providing clear and consistent product images.

One great example of a platform that offers image background generation is PixelBin. This powerful tool uses AI to generate realistic backgrounds for images, giving a professional appeal to your product listings with ease.

2. Image Background Generation for Car Dealerships

Image background generation using AI can be a game-changer for car dealerships looking to improve the visual appeal of their inventory. Generative AI can automatically generate car image backgrounds, making each vehicle stand out and look more attractive to potential customers.

One great platform that offers image background generation for car dealerships is PixelBin. It is easy to use and can help car dealerships to create custom backgrounds that showcase the vehicles in the best possible light or background.

In addition to making cars look more appealing, image background generation also helps to standardize a dealership's inventory photos, making it visually appealing for customers to compare and choose between different vehicles. Using generative AI, car dealerships can take their inventory photos to the next level and create a more engaging and visually appealing online shopping experience for their customers.

3. Content Creation in Diverse Fields

AI content generation relies on the ability of machine learning models to learn from large datasets and generate new output that is similar to the patterns they have learned. While the quality of AI-generated content can vary, depending on the specific techniques used and the quality of the training data, the potential applications of this technology are vast and varied.

For instance, AI models are trained on text data to generate new text, such as news articles, product descriptions, or even entire books. Likewise, they can also be trained on large datasets of images, allowing them to learn to recognize patterns and objects. This can be used to generate new images, such as artwork or image backgrounds.

4. Designs for Advertisements

Generative AI can be particularly useful in creating variations of a single design for A/B testing, allowing marketers to optimize their campaigns and find the most effective visual elements. For example, it can be used to create multiple variations of a banner ad with different colours, fonts, and layouts, allowing marketers to determine which design performs best in no time.

In addition, generative AI can be used to generate designs quickly and at a low cost, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to create eye-catching advertisements on a budget. With its ability to generate a wide range of designs and variations quickly and easily, generative AI is poised to revolutionize the world of advertising and design, offering businesses the opportunity to create visually appealing ads that capture the attention of their target audience.

5. SEO Optimization

Generative AI is increasingly being used for SEO optimization to improve website rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). AI algorithms can analyze large datasets of website content, identify areas of improvement, and suggest changes to optimize content for search engines. For example, generative AI can analyze website copy and suggest changes to improve keyword density, meta descriptions, and page titles.

Additionally, AI can analyze user behaviour data to make suggestions for improving user experience, such as improving site speed or suggesting changes to the site structure. By using generative AI for SEO optimization, businesses can improve their website's visibility and drive more traffic to their site, ultimately leading to increased conversions and revenue.


Generative AI is disrupting industries in ways that were once unimaginable. From content creation to art, music, and healthcare, this technology is enabling machines to generate new content and insights with ease. As generative AI continues to advance, it will open up new opportunities for businesses to improve their operations and create new value for their customers. With the power of machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning frameworks, generative AI has the potential to transform the way we create and interact with content, opening up a whole new world of possibilities for innovation and creativity.

Hence, we have launched “Generative Background Creator” by PixelBin which constitutes AI capabilities to detect and generate backgrounds. It is a generative AI feature that saves time and resources to create e-commerce image backgrounds with the help of appropriate prompts. With this, unique and high-quality backgrounds can be generated for any product image, enhancing the customer's shopping experience and keeping businesses ahead of their competitors. Sign up for PixelBin today and start generating backgrounds for your product images with ease. Our tool consumes 6 credits for each background generation. As per our free plan, you can use the tool for free for the first 6 transformations. However, if you require more usage, you can upgrade to our premium version to access more credits and features that suit your needs. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your e-commerce business to the next level!

If you want to learn more about our product and how it can benefit your business, book a free demo with us now!

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